Friends, Foes & Followers

Girtah / FFF15

A new Friends, Foes & Followers batch was just released! It’s is a collection of characters written for Hârn but adaptable anywhere. The latest batch of twelve profiles is the 15th in the series, so there are already quite a few of them. This time the characters are all women ranging from knights to wizards, burglars to priestesses.

All profiles are two-page entries with stats, equipment, backgrounds and portraits. They can be used as non-player characters or characters, if you like. And it’s downloadable for free! (Thanks, Kerry)




SLVL Zine#2

The second issue of SLVL Zine, a Finnish OSR fanzine, is now out! It’s a gonzo and sci-fi themed issue with  adventures, spaceships, guns and a bestiary of prehistoric monsters. I contributed a couple of monster illustrations, like the Hollywood version of Velociraptor above.

The Book of Changing Years

San Francisco 1906 / The Book of Changing Years

San Francisco 1906 / The Book of Changing Years

Pelgrane Press is publishing The Book of Changing Years as a companion to TimeWatch RPG. It’s a collection of time travelling tales, where TimeWatch agents wrestle with mysteries trying to maintain and protect their timeline from various hazards and outside tampering. I did a few full-page pen-and-ink illustrations set in future Paris, 1906 San Francisco, early Roman battle field and Cretaceous period Earth.

Praedor: Salaisuuksien kirja

Demon / Praedor: Salaisuuksien kirjaBurger Games publishes a new and long awaited module Salaisuuksien kirja (The Book of Secrets) for Praedor, the undeniable flagship in the fleet of Finnish role-playing games.

For me, Salaisuuksien kirja was an exploration into new kind of inking style. Using parallel lines of varying width instead of cross-hatching even in the darker areas was, of course, inspired by Franklin Booth. Most of art I did for the project pre-dates that of The Eye of the Stone Thief (2015) and Dracula Unredacted (2015) where I used the same style.

I’ve added some new illustrations in the black-and-white gallery.

Dracula Unredacted

Dracula Unredacted / Wreck of the Demeter Dracula Dossier was a Kickstarter project by Pelgrane Press that was effectively a role-playing scenario or a campaign built around a slightly altered version of  Bram Stoker’s classic gothic novel Dracula (1897).

In addition to a wealth of source books, Pelgrane Press published an unredacted version of the novel, which I was happy to illustrate. I was kind of worried as the A3 originals were squeezed into paperpack size. Yesterday, I just flipped through the printed book at my local friendly game store, and the pen-and-ink illustrations turned out great!

I’ve added some of the illustrations to the black-and-white gallery.

Eyes of the Stone Thief

11_2_tomblord_inks_lores.jpgPelgrane Press has released Eyes of the Stone Thief, a megadungeon module for 13th Age Roleplaying Game. There is even a trailer for the module here.

In 13th Age, living dungeons slither up through the underworld and invade the surface lands. The Stone Thief is the most ancient and cunning of its kind; a vast monster that preys on the cities and structures you love, swallows them, and remakes them into more deathtrap-filled levels inside itself. Now, it’s hunting YOU.

I was commissioned a dozen or so illustratrations. Initially, they were monochrome, but later PP decided to add color to the module, so I ended up coloring quite tightly inked drawings.  Some of the illustrations have now been added to black-and-white and color galleries.